Junior Cycle English - Caithlin O'Regan

I'm finally finished with my first exam for my Junior cert, English. Since English happens to be my favourite subject, I was not worried going into the test and was confident when I was finished. I stayed for the entire duration of time that was given, which was 2 hours.

There were 4 sections (A,B,C,D). I was a bit disappointed that I had to choose between writing about my studied novel or my studied Shakespeare play but in reality it worked out for the better. 

At one point my hand started cramping up so bad that I was gonna stop but I powered on through the test and I finished all the questions.

I really enjoyed the question about the unforeseen poem. It was different from the questions I had seen before. It was interesting to write the account from the perspective of the woman.

I especially enjoy the creative writing questions at the end. It ends up being a nice end to a stressful 2 hours. I was surprised because the test didn’t cause immense stress.  I can’t say that I am not worried for the rest of my exams but I am happy to have the first one finished. Only 8 more to go!