Junior Cycle Maths - Jason Tamayo

Today, I sat the Junior Cert Higher Level Maths Exam Paper. I was quite excited and confident heading into the exam with all of the essential tools. 

When I opened the maths paper and looked through it carefully, I wasn't impressed with the questions. In my perspective, the questions were really difficult and difficult; even my classmates were taken aback when they saw the question. The exam consisted of 14 questions, the first four of which were really simple; nevertheless, questions seven and eight were extremely difficult for me. Some of the questions I had never heard of before or went into great detail, but it wasn't particularly gratifying.

Prior to the exam, I studied and prepared extensively to ensure that there were no simultaneous equations, coordinate geometry, volume, or functions. Maths is my favourite subject, however I didn't enjoy how this paper differed from previous ones. Overall, I believe the exam paper structure may be improved, however I'm delighted I finished the exam paper in under 2 hours given the amount of pressure.